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Final tax, booking and delivery/handling fees will be calculated after you select your preferred delivery method and location (if applicable) later in the checkout process.
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Seats are guaranteed to be next to each other if you buy two or more tickets.
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within 1 day on our site 
This event is likely to sell out within 1 day on our site based on the remaining tickets currently available being reduced by the average rate of tickets sold per day and increased by the average rate of tickets added per day as determined by ticket sales and additions over the past 7 days.
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General Notes
  • All sales are final
  • Event dates and times are subject to change, it is up to you to check local listings for updates
  • After your purchase, you will receive a confirmation email with your ticket delivery details and timing
Delivery fee will be based on your selected delivery method and location at checkout. Estimated delivery fees range from: £5 to £20.
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About The Venue...
Yankee Stadium

Yankee Stadium